
We are happy to announce that Strategic Partnership project “All In” will take place
from 01.03.2017 – 28.02.2019.

Partnership building activity “All In” will involve 8 partner organizations from Austria, Spain, Italy, Bulgaria, Belgium, Scotland and Slovenia with aim to develop and test training module and support material for youth workers, youth leaders, project coordinators and other people involved in youth work, how to make their work with young people inclusive (inclusive to ALL approach) in this way fostering quality improvements in youth work.

SPECIFIC GOALS: – developed and tested training module about inclusive approach to ALL in youth work;
– developed and tested support material for the training module;
– trained trainers who will be able to carry out trainings based on training module on local/regional/national or European level;
– work through different channels to make the created products sustainable also after the end of the project.

The Strategic Partnership will include these fallowing activities & results:
1) Development of training module for youth workers, youth leaders, trainers, project managers and others involved in youth work about how to make their work inclusive with young people (training module is seen here as innovation, because will be created in the way that it can reach different target groups within youth field. Module will consist of several blocks and people will be able to choose and to attend what is necessary for them. We believe that youth worker can have different needs towards inclusive youth work, than a project coordinator.).Training module will be tested in participating organizations realities and on international level as a integral part of this application;
2) Development of support material, which will include not only written material, but also video lectures and practical examples of inclusive youth work, activities, etc.;
3) Training of 16 trainers on international level, who will carry out trainings to local youth workers & other people involved in youth work;
4) 1 day Interactive Forums in every partner organization to promote the results of the products.
5) Creating Project home page, which will allow to use the created materials also for people and organizations outside the Strategic Partnership.

TARGET GROUPS: in short and long term – youth workers, youth leaders, project managers, trainers, other people involved in youth work (in participating organizations and countries). With our products we want to achieve that it becomes a certain standard in future education of people involved in youth work. Indirect target groups: young people who will benefit from the more inclusive and qualitative youth work afterwards and a part from Inclusion and Diversity strategy in youth field will be achieved (“Unity in diversity”).
Project is financed by EU Erasmus+ and Partner organizations.

[This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.]